

erm,, macam mane ea nk cter,
x tawu la bagi org len,
tapi bg aku,
aku sntiasa optimis.

buat pertama kali aku meet someone,
ak can anggap dia tu pure lah, baik lah bagai.

sekali dia buat dajal kat aku,
mmng aku ingat smpai bila2,
bukan kerana dendam, tapi kerana dia telah menghancurkan
 kepercayaan yg ak bagi pd dia

bila aku ingat ape dia buat,
persepsi aku terhadap dia pon bertukar

tak kiralah apa dia buat,
tetap salah di mata aku
sume serba x kena
walaupon jrang la dia nk buat bnde baik
tp even dia buat baik 
rase akward gila

korang pernah x rasa mcm tue?
mcm bila dah selalu sgt dilukakan,
korng mcm dah x kisah apa yg dia buat,
mcm dah x nak amek tawu dah

itulah apa aku rase sekarang
but x nk lah bagitawu sape,
sbb itu pon aib orang
im just sharing what i feel and i've been through wif her

i have to change myself just to fit in her
what for?
friends are not the one who force you to do whatever that you dont like,

like,, changing yourself into a totally different person.

so, pernah tak korng berada kt tmpat ak?


Tengs for reading Peeps :)

this is reality. for real.

tis is real.
tis is what i feel about my life.


tis is for real
oke, lupakan topik crush sblom nie,
that is just side story.
hari ni ,,
a lot of things happen.

i'll tell u something,
you really need friends in life.

but for me, 
klau kawan yg buat kau stress baik x payah
there are two types of friends.
yg menjahanamkn, n yg menaikkan

choose one.

of coz la sume org nk yg menaikkn,
tapi brape kerat je seluruh malaysia yg ad pon??

yg at sekeliling aku nie pon dah buat ak naik gila
i admit. im not that good.
but still, i consider about people's feeling.
i do care much about my friends.
because i know, i will always need them.
when u stay really far apart from ur parents.

but since the first day i enter tis matriculation program,
mcm2 sorts of people yg kita boley tgk,
kdang2 yg gedik tu la yg baik
yg baik tu pulak, mengada lebih,
tak boley tgk org lebih dari dia.

nak buat acano kan?
nama pon human.

life is not always rainbow.
its like wheel.
u dont always stay on top.
u'll get down. and the one who cause it 
no one know,,

your friends?

Tengs for reading Peeps :)


semua org pernah ad crush kn?

pergh. *tabik spring

btw, i got a crush
but i wont tell u the name of that malang guy, hahaha
but i'll tell u about what i've been through,,
lagipon crush je kn? nothin much.

much more exciting than kapel, *oke, nie siyes.

sejak ak ad crush nie kn,,
everything about him, i'll just get intrested to know,
hobi ke, cita2 ke, favourite food ke, from head to toe,
sume aku concern. hahahha

setiap hari xpernah fail dtg ke kelas, sbb nk tgk dye :3

bila dy x dtg, rase bosan je, (tp x jejas study lah)
bila dy senyum, rase nk je tenung.
bila dy tgk depan, n kau kt tepi dy,
msty akn curi2 pndang tgk dy, 
atototoot, suweet. hahaha

boleh lah nie ,, nk buat novel.
chihuahua. :3


yg paling pedih,
bila org yg kau crush, adalah best friend ko punye crush jugak
n dy dah mulakan langkah pertama n diterima oleh crush kau.
oh mai god.
sedih nyer. 

terpakse la hipokrit sebentar,
xkn nk lukakan hati kawan sndri, 
n x kn nk malukan diri kantoi kn diri sndri kt crush kau.
ckup la sekadar memcuci mata. 
mmberi semangat kpd dri sndri secara x lngsung
lagi pon, just a crush , nothin much.

still,, he's cute! hahahahaah

*gatai x gatai x? hehwhew

Tengs for reading Peeps :)


adoi. kusut2.
kecian kt ak,
sume budak matrik balik,
ak jugak kt londang nie
ditemani oleh cik cicak yg ad nie, =.='

aduh, bosan dowh, 
nk buat homework lg lah x de smangt,
(err, psal hw nie, mmng sntiase xde smangt)

harinie ad kempen derma drah,
syok la plak derma darah,
kawan2 ak bukan main tkot lg ngn jarum,
ak bukan tkot jarum, ak mabuk darah sikit, hahahaha

btw, lepas derma tu ,,
mmng rase lega sgt, 
sbb dah menyumbang sumthin utk kebajikn masyarakat,

perrghh ayt! hahahahah

oleh itu,
marilah kita,, sama2, 


mana taw kot darah yg kiter derma tu boleh tlong org yg btol2 dlm kesusahan? kn2? :DD

Tengs for reading Peeps :)

tunggang langgang week.

minggu nie, 
minggu yg palingg... tuttttt!


nth ke pape dowh minggu nie
homework berlambak2, 
lecturer kena tukar,,
topik baru yg makin susah,
hati yg makin malas..

nth acano lah nk survive kat sini..

but then,
luckily ad classmates yg bnyk tlong,,

kwn lah tulang belakang korng bila korng jauh dari parents,
believe me, even korng mungkin ad yg boleh hidup tnpa kawan,
tp satu hari nnty, korng akn perlukan jugak kwn :)

waktu aku tinggal kt asrama 5 thn ,,
kawan la parents, family, kaunselor, cikgu, ap lagi?? sume ad,,

back to my story,,
result UPS kena tunda, 
which make me frustated a bit,
sbb jenuh nk excited, hahahah
nk tgk sejauh trok mane result ak,,

minggu nie pon da start training bsketball,
yg mmng kaw2 punya.
tapi ak x hebat pon, soo,, nthla

then, boley plak minggu bnyk gila keje nk kena hantar,
mmng tertonggeng ak nk siapkan semua nie
as a result,,
my eyes da mcm baby panda, =.='

nk tidor, ngantok,

Tengs for reading Peeps :)

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