hye everybody, i'm back !
after a few months i don't even bother to click on any link to my blog,
and today i'm in front of my lappy, writing a new entry.
the reason why i don't visit here for the past few months is actually because i don't dare to look at my previous entry about my dear friend, izzat who passed away suddenly. i just cannot accept the fact that he was no longer in this world, and it takes time for me to let him go.
i managed to let go and accept the fact that he was gone.
i'm here today to write an entry about my crazy moment last night.
i'll use rojak language okay , since its my story, i'll write it as i damn fit.
bear with me please hahahaha
ehem ehem.
my lecturer once said this to me
"think out of the box, and try to look at a problem from different angles"
this was what i did last night.
it was actually unexpected situation.
i was waiting for my friend at seventh college and we're actually planning to go to the KL central. i wanna meet my best friend during matriculation days and i was afraid to go alone, so i drag my dear azizah ana along. we promised each other to meet at 7.45 pm but jijah *azizah ana nickname* really take a lot of time to prepare herself. but i don't mind waiting since i'm not in hurry.
then, my friend, fatin was walking in front of me dragging her luggage and her face looked pale. she told me that she was waiting for her taxi and it seems like the taxi will not be able to arrive on time since there's bad traffic jammed.
"tiket ko pukul 9.15 and ko still dalam um? sekarang dah kol 8 wey, ak takut ko x sempat, better ko pegi je um sentral amek teksi or bas kat sana"
itu apa yang aku cakap kat si fatin. and dia pon pergilah um sentral.
after a while, si jijah nie muncul, and both of us walked to um sentral because we planned to take a bus to stesen universiti.
we arrived at um sentral and guess what?
kereta berlambak bergerak macam siput. kura2 pon lagi laju -__-
i was like WTH?
it was 8.20 when we get into that super cramped rapidkl bus.
and i saw si fatin in the same bus with me.
i told jijah about fatin's situation and jijah told me
"sebenarnya kalau jalan jammed, better jalan dowh, lagi cepat sampai"
i was like, ouh really ? and terus diam krik2 like nothing happen.
then i realized that our bus move only inch by inch which means really damn super slowww!!
its was 8.35 when i suddenly feel worried about fatin's bus ticket. and i ask jijah if we can make it on time to pudu if we walked now.
then, i called fatin (dia di pintu depan, aku dan jijah tersekat di pintu belakang)
and ask her to ask the drebar bukak pintu rapidkl nie.
"jijah, atin, korang larat x? ak nak cadangkan kerja gila nie,"
i took fatin's luggage and ran as fast as i can, leaving behind jijah and fatin.
OMG. it was super laju and super penat. and of course stesen universiti was not that closed to um.
imagine running and dragging along a luggage while shouting,
and of course everybody was starring at me as if like i'm a mad woman.
we managed to get on the lrt to masjid jamek and it was around 9.10 pm.
luckily for fatin, the bus driver decided to wait for her, and of course she's double lucky to have crazy friends like us. *bukannakbangga*
yela, berapa ramai je nak tolong kawan sampai ke tahap tu kan? and fatin is just a friend that i know for a month.
we arrived at masjid jamek and again, pecut like usain bolt to change to another lrt. i don't know what's the line since i'm not that familiar to kl. and its answer why i need jijah to join this super amazing run. she's the only one among us to know more about kl. hahahaha
we arrived in puduraya, not on time but thank GOD, fatin managed to get on her bus to perlis.
after that, AGAIN, me and jijah pecut patah balik to kl sentral because we're supposed to meet my friend there. thanks to ADI ZAFRAN because he still waiting for us there even after 2 hours.
there's certain things that i have to highlight about this amazing experience,
Yang nie lawak sikit, fatin ada cakap waktu kami dalam lrt,
"kalau aku x sempat naik bas, aku sentap abis wey, aku dah beria melambai2 showoff member2 aku kat um kononnyer lah balik malam nie, malulah lah wey kalau aku balik UM, and cakap, ak terlepas bas. "
dengan muka penat pucat fatin tu, perghh kalaulah aku boleh record. lawak bangang sampai nak berguling dalam lrt. hahahaahah
kesian dia. its actually her birthday and i can say paling malang kot. sebab petang tu hujan lebat dan dia masuk kelas basah lencun, malam pulak terpaksa lari pusing kl. dan ini ayat terbaik dia
"fanit, seluar aku dah longgar sikit la"
yang mana sangat lawak sebab jijah nie fizikal dia comel2 sikit. hahahahaha
sila bertolak awal kalau tahu jalan jammed and plan your time. mmng pudu x jauh mana dari um, kalau boleh, keluar lah 3 jam awal. kita tunggu bas xpe, sbb bas sememangnyer jarang nak tunggu kita.
AND .. of course kalau jalan jammed, x payah la nak amek kenderaan bergerak ke pengangkutan awam ke mana2. better jalan.
i told this story to my friends, and ada yang tanya
"x menyesal ke fanit tolong kawan sampai macam tu sekali? angkut luggage siap lari macam orang gila?"
and this is my answer
sebab aku percaya, apa perkara baik yang aku buat sekarang, Tuhan akan nampak dan aku pasti ada balasannya kalau aku ikhlas. mungkin bukan sekarang, mungkin balasannya x pada aku, tapi mungkin pada family aku kan?
mungkin jugak kalau in future kalaulah family member ak menghadapi masalah yang sama, i just hope that they'll have someone to help them like what i did to my friend yesterday.
tired? of course. sape x penat lari mcm orang gila dgn perut kosong dari pagi.
but even if u ask me again "menyesal tak?" in future , my answer will remain the same,
tidak menyesal.
i feel glad that i can to something for my friend walaupon bukan tolong pinjamkan duit, but at least in future,
when the 3 of us x kan berjumpa lagi, but i will remain in her memory as someone yang pernah tolong dia buat kerja gila. hahahaa,
and thank GOD, i have super sporting jijah as my friend, yang sentiasa berada di sisi bila dalam keadaan kritikal.
the purpose i write this entry actually bukanlah nak menunjuk2
nak menyeru pada di luar sana,
macam mana semangat setiakawan,
macam mana kita boleh bantu orang tanpa perlu mendaftar menjadi sukarelawan,
macam mana kita menyelesaikan masalah dari sudut berbeza,
macam mana kita nak bantu kawan kita bukan dari sudut harta benda
dan macam2 lagi yang ak belajar sejak peristiwa semalam.
dan juga in case in future kot2 lah aku hilang ingatan, aku boleh refer blog aku kan? hahahaha
thanks to fatin, jijah and adi for the awesome night! love uolls *gayaretis* hahaaha
that's it guys. maaf kalau terbosan or tertinggi diri.
k. bye :)
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